
State of Values Report Reveals What Truly Drives Today’s Workforce

by think2perform

think2perform’s 2024 report provides a roadmap for understanding what motivates and inspires your team.

Minneapolis, MN, Sept. 24, 2024 — think2perform, a leader in business development consulting and coaching, is proud to announce the release of its second annual State of Values Report. Drawing insights from more than 15,000 participants in North America, the report sheds light on how individual values differ across demographics and how they impact decision-making within organizations.

“The State of Values Report is more than just a snapshot of current trends. It’s a tool for leaders to understand what motivates their teams and make informed decisions that drive better performance,” said Doug Lennick, CEO and co-founder of think2perform. “When organizations focus on the values of their people, they’re not just investing in their workforce: they’re building stronger, more resilient companies.”

The State of Values Report draws on data from think2perform’s Values Card Exercise, a tool designed to help individuals identify and clarify their core values. Participants select from a set of values cards, each representing a different principle or belief that could guide decisions in their personal or professional life. They then narrow their choices down to their top five values to gain insights into the values that are most important to them.

The report breaks down the values into five categories: personal growth, interpersonal effectiveness, financial stability, care for others/the world and care for self. The aggregated responses presented within the report outline shifting priorities across life stage, gender, professional level and industry.

This year’s report highlights trends in values across generational, gender and industry lines and offers leaders a line of sight into the values that drive their teams. By applying these insights, companies can improve interpersonal effectiveness, strengthen leadership and drive meaningful impact in their organizations.

Key findings from the report include:

  • Adults under 24 are 6.26% more likely to prioritize interpersonal effectiveness, compared to the average of all age groups.
  • Nearly 10% of female participants prioritize care for others/the world compared to 7.63% of male respondents.
  • C-suite-level leaders are most likely to value personal growth, at 3.91% above the average across all professional levels.
  • Interpersonal effectiveness is most important to people working in marketing and education, at 1.47% and 1.28% higher than the average across all industries, respectively. 

“The findings from this year’s report are essential for business leaders looking to engage their employees on a deeper, values-based level,” said Ryan Goulart, COO and president of marketing and services at think2perform. “By understanding the core values that shape individual motivations, leaders can foster an environment that promotes both personal growth and organizational success.”

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Our 2024 State of Values Report is now available!